The Second Screen Lifestyle

Social Media

When you sit down to watch something on TV, do you ever NOT have a second screen on you? Honestly think about it. Between smart phones, tablets and even laptops, technology is so easily accessible everywhere that it’s rare not to have one form of it within reach at all times. The result? The second screen lifestyle.

For whatever magical reason, people feel compelled to Tweet about “big events,” whether that means the Olympics, political debates, or the “Red Wedding” from Game of Thrones. The result of this? Tons of free advertising for these events. And while it may not always be positive, if brands can stay on top of social media to guide viewers as they post, the effect can be incredible. This is why so many brands/shows provide a hashtag, so that viewers can join together (without even realizing it) to become a major advertising force.

Let’s take the “Red Wedding” from Game of Thrones for example. I don’t even watch that series, but the day after that episode aired, I was telling everyone about it. #TheRedWedding was blowing up my Twitter feed, and I was dying to know what all of the commotion  was about. With a hashtag and 13 characters, The Game of Thrones successfully made me wish that I was a loyal viewer of the show. And the crazy thing is that people are still using that hashtag! Because even if people are watching the episode late, everyone remembers when The Redding hit the Twitterverse. (View the Twitter search results for #TheRedWedding here.)

Other brands have earned my respect for the way they handle social media. When companies get involved in the hoopla of television series or major events, I think it can really have an impact. Remember during the Super Bowl when JCPenney was Tweeting with Mittens? (Refresh your minds here.) While I thought that idea was terrible (sorry, not going into details here) the brands that responded to JCPenney were phenomenal! Well played Snickers, well played.

Snickers Responds to JCPenney

The second screen lifestyle gives brands a chance to interact with viewers, and let their personality shine. I love the informality about social media, which is why that type of advertising resonates with me.

While it is obnoxious at times, I enjoy the second screen lifestyle. It’s a unique way to connect with people around the globe, which is the reason social media was created in the first place.

What do you think? Are you a supporter of the second screen? Or do you wish people would stop trying to multi-task and just focus on one thing at a time?